Moov Physio Capalaba: Your Partner in Achieving Optimal Health

We believe, when a health professional team collaborates with modern technology, it will provide fast, precise and accurate health services.

Welcome to Moov Physio Capalaba, where we provide exceptional physiotherapy services in the heart of Capalaba. Our clinic is part of a network of Moov Physio locations across Brisbane, offering both in-clinic and mobile services to meet your needs.

Our Services at Capalaba

Moov Physio Capalaba specializes in a comprehensive range of physiotherapy services:

Conditions We Treat

At Moov Physio Capalaba, our skilled team provides effective treatments for a wide array of conditions, ensuring that every client receives the care they need:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Do I need a referral for Moov Physio Capalaba?
A: No, you can book an appointment directly with us.

Q: What are the operating hours of the Capalaba clinic?
A: Mon-Fri, From 9am to 5pm

Q: Do you offer any specialized programs?
A: Yes, we offer programs like Otago Falls Prevention and GLA:D for Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis.

Q: How can I book an appointment?
A: You can make an appointment online at Moov Physio Capalaba or call us at 07 3823 3355.

For more information or to book an appointment, visit Moov Physio Capalaba or call us at 07 3823 3355.

We care whenever you need it