GLAD Program for Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis: An Innovative Approach to Pain Management and Mobility Improvement

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Osteoarthritis
  2. Overview of the GLAD Program
  3. GLAD Program Structure
  4. Benefits of the GLAD Program
  5. GLAD Program Delivery and Accessibility
  6. Detailed Look at GLAD Exercises
  7. Success Stories and Testimonials
  8. Research and Evidence Supporting GLAD
  9. Implementing GLAD in Personal Routines
  10. Conclusion
  11. FAQs on the GLAD Program

Introduction to Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease, often affecting the hips and knees, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Understanding the causes and symptoms of OA is crucial for effective management.

  • Definition and Symptoms: OA is characterised by the breakdown of cartilage, causing joint pain and stiffness.
  • Causes and Risk Factors: Factors such as aging, joint injury, obesity, and genetics contribute to the development of OA.

Read more about osteoarthritis in Arthritis Foundation website.

Overview of the GLAD Program

The GLAD Program (Good Life with Osteoarthritis in Denmark) represents a breakthrough in OA management, incorporating education, exercise, and aerobic exercises.

  • Origin and Development: Developed in Denmark, GLAD is now a globally recognized approach.
  • Core Components: The program includes:
  • Education on OA and self-management techniques.
  • Exercise routines focusing on improving joint stability and mobility.
  • Data Collection to monitor patient progress and outcomes.

GLAD Program Structure

Assessment and Eligibility

Before joining the GLAD Program, participants undergo an assessment to determine their suitability. This ensures personalized care and maximizes the program's effectiveness.

Education Sessions Overview

Two education sessions provide valuable insights into OA management, helping patients understand their condition and how to manage it effectively.

Exercise Sessions Details

The GLAD program includes 12 group exercise sessions over six weeks, focusing on:

  • Neuromuscular exercises
  • Improving joint stability
  • Enhancing movement quality

Benefits of the GLAD Program

Participants in the GLAD Program often report significant improvements:

  • Improvements in Pain Management: Reduction in pain levels, leading to a decreased need for pain medication.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Increased mobility and activity levels.
  • Reduction in Medication Use: Many participants find a reduced need for painkillers post-program.

GLAD Program Delivery and Accessibility

Locations and Availability

The GLAD Program is available in multiple locations, making it accessible to a broad range of patients. At Moov Physio Capalaba, we provide GLAD at different locations.

Virtual and In-Person Options

With options for virtual and in-person sessions, the program caters to varying needs and preferences.

Detailed Look at GLAD Exercises

The GLAD Program for hip and knee osteoarthritis incorporates a series of targeted exercises designed to alleviate pain and improve joint stability. These exercises are categorized into several key areas:

  • Neuromuscular Exercise Approach: Focuses on improving muscle control around the joints, essential for reducing OA symptoms.
  • Categories:
  • Leg Strength: Exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles in the leg to support the knee and hip joints.
  • Core Strength: Building the abdominal and back muscles to aid overall stability and posture.
  • Functional Exercises: Simulate daily activities to improve joint function in real-life scenarios.
  • Positional Exercises: Enhance muscle control during movement, ensuring joint stability.

Success Stories and Testimonials

The effectiveness of the GLAD Program is best illustrated through the experiences of its participants:

  • Patient Experiences: Many report significant reductions in pain and improvements in mobility.
  • Improvements in Daily Activities: Enhanced ability to perform everyday tasks, leading to a better quality of life.

Research and Evidence Supporting GLAD

Numerous studies have validated the benefits of the GLAD Program:

  • Key Studies and Findings: Research shows significant improvements in pain management and joint function.
  • Comparative Effectiveness: GLAD stands out for its comprehensive approach, combining education and exercise.

Implementing GLAD in Personal Routines

Post-program, participants are encouraged to incorporate GLAD exercises into their daily routines:

  • Post-Program Exercise Maintenance: Continuing the exercises at home to maintain the benefits.
  • Self-Management Techniques: Learning how to manage symptoms independently for long-term relief.


In conclusion, the GLAD Program represents a significant stride forward in managing hip and knee osteoarthritis. Its evidence-based approach, which emphasizes education, neuromuscular exercises, and personalized care, offers a comprehensive path to not just managing symptoms but enhancing overall quality of life. Whether through in-person or virtual sessions, GLAD provides a supportive, informative, and adaptive environment for individuals to regain control over their mobility and live fuller, more active lives.

For anyone struggling with osteoarthritis, embracing the GLAD Program could be a pivotal step towards a healthier, more comfortable future.


The GLAD Program prompts many questions. Here are some common ones:

  • Q: How often should I do GLAD exercises?
  • A: Typically, exercises are recommended twice a week, but it can vary based on individual needs.
  • Q: Can GLAD exercises be done at home?
  • A: Yes, many exercises can be safely practiced at home.
  • Q: Is the GLAD program suitable for all ages?
  • A: Yes, the GLAD program is designed to benefit individuals of various ages suffering from hip and knee osteoarthritis. However, it's always advisable to undergo an initial assessment to determine individual suitability.
  • Q: Can the GLAD program prevent the need for surgery?
  • A: While the GLAD program can significantly improve symptoms and quality of life, it's not a guaranteed substitute for surgery. In some cases, it can delay the need for surgery or improve post-surgical outcomes.
  • Q: How long are the educational sessions in the GLAD program?
  • A: Typically, the educational sessions in the GLAD program last about 60-90 minutes each, providing comprehensive information about osteoarthritis and self-management techniques.
  • Q: Are the exercises in the GLAD program difficult to perform?
  • A: The exercises are designed to be manageable and are tailored to the individual's capabilities. Physiotherapists ensure that exercises are performed correctly and safely, adjusting them as needed.
  • Q: How do I know if the GLAD program is working for me?
  • A: Improvements such as reduced pain, increased mobility, and enhanced ability to perform daily activities are good indicators. Progress is often monitored throughout the program.
  • Q: Can I continue my regular exercise routine while participating in the GLAD program?
  • A: It's important to discuss your current exercise routine with the GLAD physiotherapist to ensure it complements the program without causing additional strain.

For more FAQs and answers, visit Moov Physiotherapy's FAQ page.

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